You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
Asking for prayer for my daughter struggling with mental health. The Lord will continue to bless her and show her his everlasting love. Pray she will continue to seek the Lord and his guidance thought out her journey.
Bryan and Samantha Schoenecke from Hayworth recently lost their two-year-old son Nehemiah, in a tragic accident. They have three other children surviving. Services are this weekend, Sept 27/28. Prayers needed for the family.
Support Fund (via Champaign Fire Dept.)
Need prayers as I go to the dermatologist for several issues. Pray for strength and perseverance as I meet some medical challenges. Praise to the Lord for "healing salve"!
Prayers needed for car issues and that they will not be expensive repairs if needed. Prayers that the car will not die on me for no reason when I'm going somewhere. Prayers for health. Thank you.
My daughter Abigail Joy changed her name at age 18 to AJ and is considering gender reassignment surgery. Pray that she would have a change of heart and not go through with it.
Vincent's health
Shannon's health
Abbie's health
Greg's health
Shannon, Justin and boys come to church
I ask for prayer for my sister-in-law, Pat. She is in poor health and is having a rough time in her daily living. She is a Christian and prays a lot, too. We ask for God to heal her back in the way that HE knows best. Thank you.
Please join me in prayer for my brother, John. Pray the Lord would be near to him. That John would diligently seek him. Pray God would renew his mind and transform his heart, especially about his relationship with Jesus and John's health. Pray he would be teachable. Pray he would be freed and protected from any coaching, schemes or strongholds that are keeping him from returning to Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.
Our tree trimming crew comes August 8th & we are asking for God and His ministering angels to protect them as they deal with a limb that is 50 feet up. May God richly bless you as well this day!
Can I ask for prayers for my son, Brandon, and family. They live in League City, TX, and the hurricane is supposed to hit around that area early morning. Their house was seriously damaged by Hurricane Harvey in 2015. I don't know how he'd get through another one like that!
Thank you!
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